Almond Milk Deliciousness
I’ve been busy in the kitchen and decided to make almond milk. Some time ago, my friend AJ had explained to me just how simple it was.
It was on my list of things to try out and so on Sunday afternoon whilst waiting for my daughter to fly back from Europe, I did just that.
The result was a delicate and delicious homemade almond milk that tasted like it had come from heaven.
It’s lovely unsweetened (suits my taste buds), but of course if you like a little sweetness, then add as much sugar as you like. Pure vanilla essence, or a dash of ground cinnamon can be added too, making it just that little more exotic!
Here is the recipe:
In a glass bowl add 1/2 cup almonds (skins on), 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1 cup of boiling water.
Leave for 10 minutes to soften.
Remove skins from almonds, place in a sieve and rinse thoroughly.
Place the blanched almonds in a blender with 2 cups of fresh cold water, and blend until the almonds have been ground up.
Drain the mixture through a sieve that has been lined with muslin.
The result is silky almond milk that is perfectly divine.
I placed the ground almond pieces from the cloth into a bowl, added 1/4 cup soaked raisins, and 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Mix through gently and serve as a side sprinkling of deliciousness with the almond milk.