Christmas with Culture


I’m so proud to have 4 generations of my family and my book Greek Life (family, culture, food) featured in the iconic December/January holiday edition of SA Life Magazine. This gorgeous stylised photo was sent to me from The Stylist Loves.  Isn’t it just amazing?

SA Life open pages


The pièce de résistance at our Christmas table is the Avgolemono Soup. Although we celebrate Christmas in Summer, our family traditions has always meant that we start our lunch with this thick and creamy egg and lemon soup prepared with a combination of chicken and turkey stock. Hosting Christmas is always a large event for our family as we share our Christmas table(s) with anywhere between 35 and 50+ people! A true ‘act of love’!



Be sure to get your copies of Greek Life as a gift for yourself and your loved ones. This unique and timeless cultural Greek cookbook is  a true celebration of the Greek way of life, the Mediterranean Lifestyle, meaningfulness and connectedness, and supported by thought provoking philosophy and beautiful full colour photography.

See stockists at If you don’t have stockist nearby then order at my online shop. For the month of December I’m surprising my online customers with a small gift from me!

GL xox